
honestly, even though it does feel like I'm learning material it just don't feel like I'm retaining it, even though i am. Its kind of hard to explain it. Just watching the one markdown video that I did I feel that I've already mastered at least the basics of it.
Though, as i speak, i kind of already have seem to forgotten how to do a strike through.
I think it was something like ~~strike
i say it was done by putting two ~ ~ in front of the word. Truth be told, i actually had to look it up. What's even weirder is that Obsidian didn't really come up with any good searches either, but what can you really do.
I feel like my intelligence has been doing to waste this last decade and I've been doing myself a diservice wasting my time chasing clout on the internet and watching content that didn't really serve me.
While there is still a place for Netflix and streaming services in everyone's life, i don't think that we should rush to fill the empty space with even more empty and vapid views of existence.
I've been trying to fill more of my time reading books and honestly am so grateful i found the [libby]( app, its kinda crazy that i've been paying for books when they've been available for free and so conveniently this whole time.
I know that I can't be the only one that's seeking to improve himself and educate himself despite not technically haven been required to do so. I think that testing can take the fun out of education and kind of wish a testing system *at least one with a detrimental grading system* wasn't the norm in the united states/
But as for writing, i don't think i'm very good, but that too, as i wrote in my medium post is a limiting belief and i should be more aware of the limiting beliefs that i impose upon myself and how they shape my own world view and perspective. I am just as capable as any other person and though i need more practice and should expand my vocabulary as well as literary knowledge i definitely have the ability to write something someday that will inspire someone else.
There was a time i wrote poetry and though simple at least made people feel something. And in life we should always be pursuing our passions and paths that make others' time on earth even a little bit more purposeful.`

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